Sunday 26 December 2010

Forests or HS2?

The government is apparently considering selling our forests for about £2b – STOP the HS2 waste and save our forests instead! Get rid of our forests to generate approx £2b but support spending many times that amount for the High Speed misery express HS2 with its eventually approx 300 mile blight path? Have we got our priorities just a little muddled? Does someone not understand the number of noughts and the decimal places? Our 625,000 acres (approx) of forests give us and our children peace and tranquility and a lot more - can we really be considering giving that up and yet spending all that money on a huge noisy and surely under utilised environment destroying vanity project? Am I loosing my marbles or is another group of people incapable of understanding what the people of this country want?  I am shocked.

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